Friendship Week AssemblyOn Friday 17th February we all assembled in the hall. First we made two circles and faced each other ,when the music stopped we high fived one another and we said a positive thing to the person standing opposite, like I like your hair or you are really great at sport ,you're awesome at maths.Everyone sang circle of friends . It was fun. Next we listened to poetry by Mrs. O Reill'ys class. They acted it out,it was really good and everyone clapped. Then we sang You've got a friend in me, the Friends theme tune and a song that 5th and 6th class composed. The songs were about friendship and they had good messages in them like being there for a friend when times are tough . Finally we got a photo taken in the yard - the whole school held hands around the yard . We dabbed when the teacher took the picture. It was a fantastic morning with lots of laughter,noise,excitement music and friendship. We enjoyed friendship week. During the week we got to buy Friendship bracelets and watch videos from Amnesty International on how some people do not have as good a life as we do with no where to stay and are fleeing from their own countries becausde of war. It made us realise how thankful and lucky we really are.
Please have a look at this presentation by clicking on the icon or downloading the file.
Everyone in school is busy painting and colouring posters to show what friendship means to them.
From wise owls to ships full of friends,lovehearts, rainbows and fun in the park. There is such a variety of messages and meanings in these posters. Well done to everyone. The winners will be revealed on FRIDAY!!! At 10 o clock on the 10th of February all the staff and pupils carried out 10 minutes exercise as part of a nationwide initiative to get the whole country moving and making us all aware of the importance of exercise. It was really good fun to drop the books and engage in some activities outside led by Miss Lynch.