Friendship week
This week we celebrated Friendship Week. The children participated in lessons where they discussed how to be a good friend and the importance of being kind to others. Teachers gave out kindness coupons to pupils who were spotted being kind during yard time. On Friday we concluded Friendship Week with a school assembly where the children sang two friendship songs they learned and prizes were awarded to those who won the design a friendship poster competition. Well done to all the pupils. They created some fantastic artwork with wonderful messaging on how to be a good friend.
Dressing up for world book day
World Book Day -sharing stories with our friends
World Book Day 7- 3 - 2019
ShoeBox Appeal
Thank you to all the children who brought in shoeboxes- November 2018
2nd & 3rd class planting their summer flowers in the sunshine :)
In partnership with the Irish Heart Foundation, children in the school took part in a 4 week activity challenge. Every child was encouraged to complete at least 60 minutes physical activity every day. At the end of the 4 weeks, each child received a certificate. The children really enjoyed this challenge!!!
In partnership with the Irish Heart Foundation, children in the school took part in a 4 week activity challenge. Every child was encouraged to complete at least 60 minutes physical activity every day. At the end of the 4 weeks, each child received a certificate. The children really enjoyed this challenge!!!
Webwise is a very informative website giving parents information and support on how to help their children get the most out of their time online. Here you will find information on various games and apps such as Fortnite , Roblox and Snapchat. Click on the link for more information: |
Some information from 5th & 6th class on