PE Homework for all pupils: May/June 2020Cavan Sports Partnership have created a ‘Virtual Explore Cavan Challenge’ so pupils can keep active and learn along the way. Please find resources below including; a map of Cavan with the towns and mountains/hills mapped out, a chart to be completed as pupils virtually make their way around the county and a sample letter to explain what is involved. 1,000 steps = 1km which can be covered by walking/jogging or running within the 5km radius and to climb a hill pupils must do Jumping Jacks, Skip or do the Mountain Climbers exercise – 1 of any of these exercises = 1 metre. We challenge you, as a family, to virtually explore as much of Cavan as you possibly can and tick what towns/hills you have explored on the chart as you complete them. The ‘Create your own’ section is an addition so pupils can make up their own, adjust their start point, calculate the distance and complete it, maybe adding the extra challenge of a climb. At the end of the 5 weeks a parent/guardian is asked to take a photo of the chart and email or send it to their child's teacher. We hope you all enjoy this activity!! ![]()
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