LearnStorm is a free 9-week maths challenge for students of all abilities that builds competence and confidence. LearnStorm is powered by Khan Academy and delivered by Camara Ireland. In 2016, over 28,000 students and 800 schools across Ireland registered for LearnStorm, more than doubling the growth of the MATHletes challenge last year. The provincial celebration events held in Cavan Institute on Saturday recognised students and schools for their hard work throughout LearnStorm! Students from St. Mary's completed 2 hours of interactive problem solving activities in groups through engineering, music and maker exercises. All students who attended received certificates at the end of the event.
The students had a great day and met students from Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan. Check out Twitter LS Ireland @LSIreland2016 for more photos of students engaged in the different activities! Comments are closed.